Hanabali School of thought/ Islamic Jurisprudence

Hanabali school of thought| Hanbali school of thought



Abu Abdullah Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Hanbal Ash-shabani, commonly known as Imam Hanbal, was the founder of the Hanabli school of Islamic Jurisprudence. He was born in Baghdad in 164 hijri in the Abbasid rule. He studied under different masters and made extensive travel to learn Hadith and fiqh. In his early age, he studied fiqh under Imam abu Yusuf and Hadith from Hisham and Sufian Ibni Ayna and other traditionists. He was one of the prominent disciples of the Imam Shafi from whom he took lessons on fiqh and hadith. However, his inclination was more towards the study of Hadith. He was more on traditionist than a jurist. His famous work masnad Ahmad, a collection of approximately 30,000 traditions in one of the major works in the Sunni Hadith collections which has continued to exercise considerable influence in the field of Hadith Studies up to present times. He died in Baghdad in 241 hijri. Among his famous disciples includes his two sons, Salah bin Ahmed and Abdullah bin Ahmed.

Features of Hanabli School:

  • The Quran is the first guide to seek answers of legal questions.

  • Extensive use of Hadith as a source of law. Even weak Hadith is preferred over reasoning.

  • Literal and unbending interpretation of Hadith.

  • This school focused more on the traditions of restricted the scope of qiyas and ijma in narrow limits.

  • Very less use of Ijma due to dependence on Hadith. However, restricted the scope of Ijma up to Companions only.

  • Use of qiyas only in extreme necessity.

  • Strict adherents of Hadith literature and discouraged use of innovative sources.

  • This school remained largely at traditional traditionalist and literal approach oriented as compared to other three Sunni school.

The followers of the school are in majority in Saudi Arabia, where it is the official school of Kingdom and have followers also in the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine Syria and Iraq. Masnad Ahmed is one of the major works of this school.

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